Tuesday, May 29, 2012

His Cover Is Blown…..

By: J Robert Giles


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“Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”  - Albert Einstein


Trust in the media is becoming an ever more foolish investment, yet exposure to their prospectus is nearly impossible. The influence of those loyal to the dangerous ideology of liberalism is inescapable. To hear the depictions of the candidates in the 2012 Presidential Election, both forthright and subliminal, you would think that the incumbency of His Barackness is all but assured. He’s the hero. He’s the one who stepped in and rescued us from the abyss of George W. Bush, remember? He stepped in and heroically choked the life out of bin Laden’s terrorist hiney with his star spangled, bare hands. Remember? He’s the one who single handedly rescued our economy from the disaster left by his predecessor. Mitt Romney, by comparison, is portrayed as a drooling bag of idiocy whose ethics are as questionable as his right to stand in the same room with such genius as that possessed by Barack Obama. The truth, as is so often the case, lays gasping for air, battered, and bruised on the side of the trail, tossed from the moving vehicle of Obama’s campaign. Much like someone who dared to question the authority of a 1930’s style Chicago gang where Obama seems to have learned so much of his social grace.

In reality, Mitt Romney is just as intelligent as Barack Obama and he comes with the distinct advantage of being able to prove it by the very means Obama and his people have spent many years and millions of dollars to hide. See, we don’t know anything about the grades Barack Obama received at Harvard or any of the rest of his schooling. For some reason, that information has been carefully and skillfully purged from databases who always seem to have information about Republican candidates printed, and ready to ship. We know what degrees Obama earned because he tells us every chance he gets. Yet without providing proof of his own grades, the Obama campaign sees no problem with questioning Romney’s. Mitt Romney graduated from Brigham Young University with a 3.97 GPA. He then went on to earn simultaneous degrees in law and business from Harvard. That’s an amazing feat in and of itself, but when the stories of Romney’s leadership within the Harvard community are added to the mix…..it’s more impressive than anything in Obama’s shady past.

Obama and the media love to portray Romney as a greedy fat-cat who cares about nothing but money. They act as if acceptance into the circle of friends with which Romney is linked requires serious skeleton’s in the closet. Like there’s something inherently wrong with financial success. Does anyone out there think Obama would wait an entire heartbeat to accept if Romney offered all his money in exchange for the White House? The Obama family would set a trail of fire behind them as they blasted out of there with their big bags of cash. Michelle could finally be proud of her country again as she spends that greedy white-man’s money on the servants in her new tropical paradise. Again, apply logic to these insane accusations and they crumble quickly. Past friendships and relationships are the very last thing Obama should want to bring into this election but the media’s fascination with him assures that his own youthful friendships will not be closely examined. While Romney’s study group describes him as a natural leader who always demanded and personally summoned their very best during their Harvard years, Obama’s friends are known terrorists, extremists, and radical hate peddlers. While Romney abstained from the typical trappings of college life like alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and even caffeine; Obama partook in all. Mitt and Ann Romney still take time out of whatever they are doing to attend the dinner his Harvard study group still holds every few years. He even stopped in for a few hours on his way to Athens to clear the troubled Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002. All speak of Romney as a dear friend, a devoted husband and father, and a natural leader. There is no psychotic gleam in their eye. There is no “bonded through lunacy” tone in their rhetoric. In fact, it’s not rhetoric at all. Obama dismisses his relationship with Bill Ayers as something we shouldn’t worry about. Instead, we should focus on the fact that Mitt Romney’s friends are rich. As we all know…..people who knowingly try to kill others with bombs and ideology are not nearly as dangerous as those who obtain personal wealth through sound business strategy and ethical living.

His Barackness and his subordinates seem to derive great pleasure from the act of twisting the truth. Obama bashes religion with every official act his administration pushes upon us. He preaches to us as if any interpretation of scripture that doesn’t support his intentions is foolishness interpreted by fools. He dismisses religious tradition and belief as crutches of the weak. In reality, Obama’s understanding of the Bible and its infinite wisdom are just about as accurate as his interpretation of the United States Constitution. Both are horribly twisted and made to accommodate lunatic levels of liberalism. Obama dismisses our concerns over his involvement with “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright as “unwarranted and conspiratorial.” For twenty years, Obama was an active member of the blatantly racist pastor’s black liberation theology church. Yet, in 2008, when the story first came to the surface, Obama’s church was said to be “off-limits” and like the good little puppet Obama told us he was, McCain obeyed and refused to run ads telling independent voters about Obama’s Wright connection. Silence is no longer an option. If Obama and his loyal subjects can attack Mormonism, then I have a few questions about Obama’s chameleon-esque religious beliefs. As I sit here guzzling coffee and cussing at each typo I make, it is painfully obvious that I am not a Mormon. That does not mean that I would abandon my Christian beliefs in the face of fear. Romney has upheld his incredibly strict beliefs and moral code in the face of what I am sure is unyielding pressure. Obama changes his mind to suit the ever shifting winds of public opinion. His Barackness will do his best to cast a shadow of doubt over Romney’s spiritual beliefs but his own are seemingly off-limits to us, the lowly public.

Obama asks us to consider whether Romney would have had the courage to “do what {Obama} did” with regard to Usama bin Laden. My answer is yes. Not only would he have had the courage, but he would have had the knowledge to think beyond the glory-grabbing headlines. Romney would have had the courage to praise the men who carried out the mission, not the men who watched the raid unfold on TV from the safety of another continent. Romney would have praised the methods of interrogation that brought forth the critical information leading to Jihadolf’s death, even if they were controversial and approved by political adversaries. Romney would have made sure that Dr. Shakil Afridi and his entire family were safe and out of Pakistan before the raid ever took place. Romney would never have left the man that risked his own life to provide America with the undeniable DNA proof of bin Laden’s location to rot in a Pakistani jail for 33 years. Obama’s failure to plan beyond the personal glory of the raid is horrible and will most likely cost the life of a man who should be heralded as an American hero. Now that there is no political value to be wrung from the Doctor’s involvement, he’s of no use to Obama. Besides, why would Obama share the glory? His blindly loyal subjects would not approve.

No more silence. No more bowing to the pressure of Obama’s self appointed power. His past is as scary as his present and neither can be allowed to live in the White House beyond January of 2013. Get this word out to the independents. They’re notoriously out of touch. They don’t pay attention to the news until just before the election and we need to get these ideas implanted in their heads much earlier than that. Get the truth out there. No matter what Obama and the media may say, Romney is NOT the one with the questionable past. Put that idea to bed. Otherwise, we’ll be fighting an uphill battle in late October against an enemy with superior weaponry. Please share the link to this article with as many people as possible. The differences in the candidates are not the differences being portrayed in the news.

As always, thanks for playing.

J Robert Giles

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

He’s No Shepherd…..

By: J Robert Giles
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“Democrats are not interested in free enterprise. They only care about free stuff.” - Herman Cain
What is private equity? It’s a term that all the left leaning politicians seem to have received in some sort of weekly memo. They’ve been spewing the term all over the airwaves lately despite the fact that most have absolutely no clue whatsoever as to what they are saying. The level of ignorance is simply astonishing when compared to the recent disdain demanded of them by their fearless leader, His Barackness. Obama has smugly attacked Mitt Romney in recent weeks over his “questionable involvement” in private equity endeavors. It’s the same, tired rhetoric we’ve seen in the past, just dressed in different clothing. It’s the same tired rhetoric that served as a temporary distraction in the early days of the primary season, it’s just coming directly from Obama rather than from the mouths of his minions. Ask any liberal what “private equity” is and they will look at you like a dog trying to read. They have no clue, yet they know it’s bad because it has been painted as bad via every single information source they know to check. We know that such lunacy will fire up Obama’s base. Of course it will get the Occupy Wall Street types all fired up, but they’re all big bags of vinegar and water. Their opinions were formed long ago and without the aid of logic. The one’s being targeted with this mantra are the ones he believes too foolish to research, understand, or question such claims. In other words…..every, single, living, American. He views you all as sheep and himself as your shepherd.
Obama is insinuating that private equity is inherently evil. He’s attempting to paint Mitt Romney as one of those evil fat-cats that liberals love to hate so much. He’ll point to the people that were fired when Romney took over the reins at Bain. He’ll paint Romney as a greedy, heartless man who came in and fired everyone just to save a buck, but I beg of you to dig a little deeper into the story. First of all, private equity, in the most general definition I can summon, means a bunch of people putting their money together so that a targeted company can expand. They “invest” in a company they believe will return them a profit. They do this outside of the traditional stock exchanges not because they are sneaky or greedy or doing something behind the backs of those who oppose capitalism. Bain Capital, the company founded by Mitt Romney in 1984 and the central focus of Obama’s reelection campaign has aided the growth and expansion of more companies than Obama can probably name. AMC Entertainment, Brookstone, Burlington Coat Factory, Burger King, Clear Channel Communications, Domino’s Pizza, Dunkin Donuts, Guitar Center, The Sports Authority, Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), Sealy, Staples, Toys ‘R’ Us, Warner Music Group, The Weather Channel, and many other companies would no longer be in business or would be operating in a greatly reduced capacity without the investment capital provided by Bain. Think about the jobs those investments created. Think about the opportunity those investments have provided to the employees of those companies. Do you think the Obama loving, minimum wage satisfied, curmudgeon at Burger King in the shirt that may have fit in new employee orientation but is now stretched to its max has any idea that his job and all of those free French fries were made possible by the man Obama hopes to defeat? Such logic is exactly what allowed Obama to be elected in the first place. Such lack of logic is why polls show him in a dead heat with Romney now. Bleat bleat little sheep.
It’s not that hard to understand why Obama would come out against such notions as free enterprise. It goes against everything he and his catastrophic administration have stood for in the last four years. It goes against everything he has stood for since he was a confused child, unsure of which race to cling to. What is proving beyond difficult to understand is why Obama feels he has the right to paint Romney’s experience with a negative brush. America is hurting. Many of us are out of work, underemployed, or just generally unhappy about the financial future Obama has insured for us with his failed investments and extremist ideology. While Romney has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he knows how to create jobs, expand markets, and guide a budget, Obama has done NONE of those things. He has done none of those things but he expects you to believe that given another four years, he’ll turn it all around. He preys on your weakness. He preys on your inability to resist his charm. Those willing to charge straight at his incongruous assertions know perfectly well that Romney’s business experience is precisely what this country’s economy needs right now.
Private equity would have prevented such lunacy as Solyndra, Ener1, A123 Systems, the Chevy Volt, ObamaCare, and while we’re at it…..Jay Cutler. Not sure how Cutler fits in but he’s popular in Chicago; Obama loves Chicago; therefore I’m against it. In all seriousness, Obama’s adherence to a failed ideology is spreading decay to parts of this country where decay has no business. If private equity is viewed as anything but evil, then Obama’s crown loses a significant amount of luster. Private equity provides an efficient, proven alternative to Obama’s ideological, government knows best, investment style. Private equity means people are thinking for themselves instead of relying on government for their opinions. Private equity means a product is conceived, designed, and presented to a scrutinizing public who, if they believe the product to be worthy of investment, will support it with their money. They will do so of their own free will and they will accept the profits or losses generated from that decision but the decision will be theirs and theirs alone. Obama’s dreams are possible, but not under his leadership. For example, we will one day drive cars that don’t require an ounce of gasoline but such innovation cannot be forced. It has to be run through the full gamut of public scrutiny.
Something tells me that Obama will realize on November 6, 2012 that he is the only sheep in a crowd of wolves. The supposed shepherd is about to realize he’s the one being herded. It’s up to you, America. Investing money is not a bad thing. It’s the very thing that has sustained America for many, many years. Investing becomes a bad thing only when it’s done with your money, behind your back. That is NOT private equity! So, are you going to be the sheep he thinks you are, or are you going to stand up as a wolf and take this country back? Are you going to follow the raised staff of the media and those loyal to His Barackness, or are you going to gather alongside the rest of the pack and attack with skilled precision?
As always, thanks for playing.
J Robert Giles
Help Us Grow Louder – DONATE TODAY 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Back To The Future…..

By: J Robert Giles


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“I would like to think that with my election and the early decisions that we’ve made, that you’re starting to see some restoration of America’s standing in the world.”  - Barack Hussein Obama  (Reportedly said with a straight face.)


They say that history repeats itself, but most of us consider ourselves too young to witness such a trend. Why is it that only the negative parts of our historical cycle like the decay of civilizations, war, bell-bottom jeans, and El Nino seem to gain our attention? There are positive events tangled into that repetition too. It’s not all fallen empires and catastrophic events, you know? I know in my heart that the Dallas Cowboys will win another Super Bowl before I draw my last breath. It’s just bound to happen sooner or later. How about this election cycle? Does it not have an undeniable feeling of déjà vu to it? How about the emotions surrounding this particular election?

Take the candidates out of the discussion. Just look at the emotions in the air. If you were alive in the late seventies, you’ll notice an uncanny resemblance to the world with which you are now surrounded. Iran is flexing its crazy muscle. Gas prices suck. Our president’s a buffoon. Liberals will no doubt point out all sorts of “facts” to say that this time is different. They’ll distance themselves from the historical failures of their ideology. They’ll do what they always do which is to rewrite history and paint themselves in a more favorable light. They’ll scoff at our mention of their failures. They’ll look down their noses at us as if we only view failure in their actions because we are too simple to understand their brilliance. They’ll quickly find another victim to cling to and together they’ll reject reality like children. Everything is someone else’s fault. Blame is like sex to liberals. They can’t get enough it.

America felt the same way in the seventies. We were still healing as a country from the wounds of war, a presidential assassination, and the stench of hippies. We were ready for some positive energy. I’m not talking about anything related to crystals, but actual positive energy. We knew we were great. We knew America could do better than the reputation our actions had earned us around the planet. Reagan was elected President and our country seemed to bounce back. Mention of Reagan’s name seems to be a lightning rod for criticism lately because liberals do NOT want us drawing that emotional comparison. They do not want us to draw the correlation between the complete and resolute abandonment of liberal ideology and the success of America in the early eighties. They’ll rewrite history to make the eighties seem like a miserable time to be an American, but if that were true then such cinematic greats as Hot Tub Time Machine would never have been written. Think about it. Try as they might, the facts are just too real to ignore.

We’re standing on that precipice once more. There’s no way to ignore the fact that America feels like it’s gotten it’s butt kicked repeatedly over the last four years. In some way, every single American has suffered a loss under Obama’s leadership. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the heaviest damage done under His Barackness has been leveled against Americans who won’t be born for at least another generation. Liberals love to call themselves “progressives” but what exactly are we allowing them to define as progress? Do we really want to “progress” any further toward a liberal’s idea of utopia where competition is frowned upon, work ethic is viewed as a character flaw, and prayer is considered a crutch for the weak? Is that the world we want to deliver to our great grandchildren? These actions that we keep ignoring…..they’re not going to just go away. This debt that we keep allowing our government to accumulate with no budget or plan to cut it off at any time in the future…..it will go unchecked until such time as America rolls up its sleeves and fights back. Liberals love to attack Reagan and talk about how he raised taxes eleven times during his presidency but what they fail to acknowledge is the overall morale boost his leadership gave to this country. What they fail to acknowledge is how great it was to be in America during the Reagan years. Liberals will blame propaganda, cocaine, and selective blindness for the boost in patriotism and pride but in reality it was the freedom to prove our greatness. It was the encouragement we felt to compete. It was the consuming drive to live up to our own goals. It was the belief that being an American was worthy of pride. When America felt like we had been kicked in our panhandles by the Carter years, Reagan was asked to take over. Liberals love to scoff at the comparison of Obama to Carter. Maybe they’re right…..Carter actually deserved his Nobel Prize, and he only accumulated a few hundred billion dollars in national debt. Carter must have been unaware of the free-for-all spending habits of Obama’s brand of liberalism. If only Obama had been an American at the time, maybe he could have enlightened Mr. Peanut. Carter led Reagan by 18% in ABC News-Harris Polls in May of 1980 but only won 6 states in November. Obama and Romney are neck and neck. I never imagined I would be uttering the following statement, but compared to Obama; Jimmy Carter is a bona fide badass. Think about that for a second, liberals…..the man who once screamed in terror because a rabbit was swimming toward his fishing boat is more manly than your current deity. Does that not concern you at all? Does that not bring the least bit of shame to your loyal little psyches? Carter stood up to the fodder from the swamp rabbit incident and acknowledged its humor. Would Obama have done the same thing? To be honest…..I now agree with the liberals who scoff at the comparison of Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama but I do so for very different reasons. I do so because such a comparison is unfair to President Carter.

In November of 1980, Ronald Reagan became President, but in the eight years of his Presidency America woke up. We gave unto the world such things as the personal computer, The McRib and its long forgotten cousin, the McDLT, and overt greed. Many lessons were learned and many pains endured, but no matter what anyone says, the eighties were a good time to be an American. No matter what anyone says, Obama is a horrible leader and he must be unelected. That’s not to say that Romney will be the next Reagan, but without him there may not be a next American President. That title will be appointed by whichever government owns this country by then! The comparisons need to be made. They need to be examined and they need to be acknowledged. America is standing on the precipice of another patriotic awakening but simply accepting fluorescent colored clothing and absurd spending habits is not all that will be required of us. We’re going to have to work. We’re going to have to suffer and we’re going to have to sacrifice. The result of that effort will be the peaceful happiness that springs from a common goal. America’s greatness is a terrific goal and it is one that transcends political stubbornness. Liberalism has failed under Obama’s Presidency. It’s as simple as that. Step out of the way, let capitalism and its competitive nature clean up the moral, financial, and spiritual mess liberalism has left in its wake and let’s get back to the American pride felt with the overall progress of the eighties.

They say history repeats itself, but our reactions and our handling of that repetition do not have to remain consistent. Instead of record personal debt and foolish household spending, teach responsibility and good stewardship this time around. We can accept and engage the return of the fitness craze of the eighties, but there is no law that requires leg-warmers, big hair at the gym, or Jane Fonda’s relevance to be included in that repetition. They say history repeats itself, but Obama’s trying to recreate the election of 2008 and it’s just too soon. His record simply doesn’t support the hype and charm. His attacks against Romney are proving to be empty and more damaging to Obama than those who want him gone. He attacks Romney for his success at Bain Capital; painting him as greedy, but then turns around and asks Wall Street for enormous campaign contributions. Cowardly. He portrays himself as one of the SEAL’s responsible for Bin Laden’s death. Cowardly. He creates victims wherever a victim will further his cause. Cowardly. Put Obama, alone in a fishing boat in a Georgia swamp and release some swamp rabbits. Carter splashed water at the beast and joked about the incident later with great humility. Obama would label the rabbit a racist and have him deported but still expect his vote in November. He’s THAT crazy!

As always, thanks for playing!


J Robert Giles

Help Us Grow Louder – DONATE TODAY

Friday, May 11, 2012

Distracted by The Rainbow…..

By: J Robert Giles


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“There’s a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled.”  - Michael Moore


Well, I guess Michael Moore would be the world’s leading authority on misleading the American people. He misled an entire, diseased, mass of liberals into believing that he and his ridiculously self-serving opinions were once relevant. I’ve found that a general rule of thumb is to disagree with anything the ACLU, Michael Moore, the Philadelphia Eagles, or Barack Obama may say. It doesn’t matter what they say, I usually disagree with it. While Michael Moore is no longer making public appearances, Barack Obama has certainly picked up the slack. This latest nonsense about gay marriage is laughable. Honestly.

Personally, I’m in a bit of a precarious position with this situation. My cousin is gay. She’s open about it and she has found someone that has made her happier than anyone in my family has ever seen her. She’s endured some life-altering pain in the past couple of years and her partner has stood by her side and led her through the darkness of the accompanying emotions. Accepting and embracing her homosexuality has opened her life to a happiness that we all assumed she was actively avoiding for some reason. It’s the kind of relationship that normally leads to marriage. In fact, that is the path they have chosen to take.

The conversation I had with my cousin in which she announced that she was getting “married” saddened me. So many assumptions were made on both sides. She assumed that because of my openly conservative views that I would be upset with her for taking this path in her life. I assumed that she was only gay as an experiment or rebellion of some kind. I love my cousin. She’s part of my family. She’s a big part of a substantial portion of my most cherished childhood memories and there’s nothing she could ever do to change that. If she has found happiness in her life, I will openly embrace that happiness and support it with my whole heart. I will accept her partner as a “life-partner” with no conditions. I don’t expect to change her mind with my personal political opinions any more than she should hope to see me vote for Obama in November. I will accept the love she has for her partner. If they are successful in their plans to have children, I will accept them as a family. I will not accept them as married under the same sanctity as I look forward to sharing with my own future bride.

Marriage is defined as a man and a woman with the capability of reproducing life without the assistance of medical technology, or third-party involvement in the conception process. That’s my definition anyway. My cousin and her partner should be allowed many of the benefits given to married couples. There’s no reason that hospital visitation should not be extended to committed, homosexual couples…..that is discriminatory. That has nothing to do with marriage. Gays should be granted many of the same tax breaks and burdens afforded to heterosexual married couples. Those benefits are modern, and shouldn’t have anything to do with the sanctity of marriage in the first place. Yes, my cousin deserves that special wedding day that she’s dreamt of since she was a little girl. She deserves that happiness that comes from planning, living, and enjoying a life with the one she loves.  Despite what His Barackness and Nancy Pelosi may have you believe, no conservative wants to step in and forcibly separate homosexual couples. At least not the kinds of conservatives with opinions that matter.

Speaking of Pelosi, she actually has the nerve to say that Obama’s “evolution” of his opinion on gay marriage is not political. In fact she thinks it’s what he believes with his heart and it has nothing to do with politics. Really??? Really, Nancy? Do you really believe we’re that stupid? Of course it was political. It was planned as a reaction to Joe “One Man Sleeper Cell” Biden’s gaffe last week in which he forgot the cameras were rolling once again. It forced Obama’s hand and gave him a big boost heading into his campaign / date night on the Left Coast last night. It was carefully planned and supported by an attack against Mitt Romney with even less accuracy, truth, or relevance than Michael Moore. What cracks me up is that Obama’s staggering level of arrogance would actually have him believing that the story about Mitt Romney hazing a homosexual classmate in the 60’s would resonate and result in positive numbers for his constant campaign. As is so often the case with these carefully devised distractions of the left, it’s backfiring.

The story of Mitt Romney “viciously” attacking the poor, defenseless classmate has been greatly exaggerated. As Ben Shapiro reported on Breitbart News this morning the piece was full of, shall we say…..”selective emphasis.” The Washington Post claimed, without evidence, that Mitt Romney was a homophobic bully to classmate John Lauber back in their high school days…..five decades ago. First of all, social awareness of homosexuality in those days was limited at best. To apply the mentality of today to a situation occurring in an entirely different time is misleading, dangerous, and lacking any form of journalistic integrity. Second, the timing of this story’s release; just a day after the big coming out party of His Barackness, just reeks of staged political maneuvering, does it not? Third, John Lauber is dead and cannot corroborate any of his emotions so dramatically described in the attack piece. His sisters, who were interviewed by the Washington Post reporter but not quoted in the piece, say that John Lauber never spoke of the incident and that it was not nearly the impactful hazing it is now being portrayed to have been. They also say that if John Lauber were alive today he would be “furious” with the idea of this story being used to further a political agenda.

Once again, we’re being distracted folks. Homosexuality has been accepted yet for the next month or so, we’ll be hearing how the plight is largely unaddressed. It’s not a new set of victims, but one that is perfectly willing to accept the attention this story will cast upon them. As long as that attention is on the gay community, it’s off the nightmarish economy. As long as we’re talking about Obama being the Jeweled Prince of the gay community, we’re not discussing the fact that unemployment numbers, when allowed to be void of any adjustments by the Obama administration, are close to 14%, not 8.1% which is suddenly worthy of praise. Let the mainstream fools latch onto these kinds of stories. They’re political, sad and pathetic as far as we should be concerned. Obama didn’t make any kind of policy suggestion. He didn’t take the bold stance everyone is making it out to be. He didn’t endorse gay marriage as President of the United States. Everyone seems to be jumping on the idea that he was the first to do so while in office, but nobody is accepting the fact that he was very careful to insert the word “personally” into his acceptance of gay marriage. This “bold” and “courageous” announcement did absolutely nothing except distract. Those who feel alienated by his recent opinion, just wait…..he’ll swing back around to pick you up with some kind of “monumental” announcement in the future. Remember, you don’t have the attention span necessary to recall that he pissed you off today. You’re just one of the American people and you’re easily misled. PROVE HIM WRONG!!! Focus on those things he’s trying to keep you from focusing on. Jobs. Unemployment. Solyndra. Obamacare. Keystone. And no matter how tired the left may be of hearing it…..where the heck was this man born?!?!?

As always, thanks for playing!


J Robert Giles

Help Us Grow Louder – DONATE TODAY

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hearing Footsteps…..

By: J Robert Giles


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“I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of.”  - Michel de Montaigne


When did obeying the rules become an option? When did the scales of our society tip in favor of those willing to question established law and thought in exchange for self-gratification over those willing to work within such a system for the sheer joy of accomplishment? When did we become so afraid to get our hands dirty? It was probably about the time that fear of getting your hands dirty was classified as a disorder and therefore entitling the afflicted individual to a government provided standard of living three times greater than the one in which the patient was living prior to the onset of such a crippling disorder. If you can sense the sarcasm, it’s because I was laying it on pretty thick. Those blinded by the promises of free stuff are always willing to sacrifice future for enjoyment today. Religion is a perfect example. Faith requires years of discipline and strength whereas denouncing God is now seen as cool and allows for a “fun” life here on earth. When did the idea that questioning God and His Divine Word was a tool of those more intellectually gifted than the lowly “faithful?” If anything, I would call the arrogance of those who publicly mock religion as a tool of the dimwitted. Even if you don’t believe in the version of God that has been allowed to fester in your mind, you have to be able to see the historical evidence that suggests a civilization ends shortly after its belief in God is abandoned. If nothing else, shouldn’t respect dictate that God’s word played a role in the forming of this country? So, what happened to respect? When did everybody become more important than everybody else? The weakest elements of our society seem able to expand with the greatest of ease. We find it entirely too easy to flee from perceived oppression even when the destination of that flight is uncertain at best.

Our founding fathers would not recognize the society present in America today. While many of the advancements would be fascinating to them, the condition of the government they designed would surely bring a tear to their eyes. There would be fleeting seconds when they thought they recognized a certain aspect of today’s legislative process, but then a decision would be handed down to make them shudder. Our founding fathers might even believe that they recognize a few prominent members of today’s government. Could you really blame them for getting Hillary Clinton and Ben Franklin confused? Have you seen the Princess of Pantsuits lately? She literally looks like she took a picture of Mount Rushmore into her makeup artist and said “THAT’S what I want to look like!” Unfortunately, it is with Hillary’s striking resemblance to Ben Franklin that the similarities between today’s government and the one designed by those great men comes to a screeching halt. The Constitution was certainly not written with today’s interpretation and application in mind.

The United States Constitution was written with the idea that it is a living, breathing, and most importantly a growing entity. Written into it’s brilliant structure was the need for flexibility and adaptability. The men who so carefully crafted the document and its place in our government meant for the laws they invented to be adjusted for advancements in technology, medicine, industry, and global infrastructure. It was meant to adjust to the changing needs of freedom and liberty. It was not designed or written so that government could one day assert its own free will on the people over which it presides. Complete government authority is not described in the Constitution. Those who believe such a notion is a good path for the rest of us should be disqualified from leading a government tasked with guiding a country to a Constitutionally described version of liberty. In fact, that’s exactly the kind of control our Constitution was written to defend against.

Why then do we flee? Why do we flee the common sense and wisdom of such a brilliantly conceived notion? It’s not because we’ve outgrown the ideas laid out in her framework. The problem lies in the fact that there are enough people willing to settle for dependence rather than work for independence. In a terrifying article by Alexander Tyler, a Scottish History Professor at the University of Edinburgh in 1887, it is noted that "a democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Compare that rather bleak history lesson with the realities of the 2008 election. Obama won 19 states to McCain’s 29. Obama won approximately 580,000 square miles of land compared to McCain’s 2,500,000. The murder rate per 100,000 residents in the areas won by Obama was 13:2. For McCain, it was 2:1. This information was given by Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law who goes on to say that “an aggregate map of the area McCain won was mostly land owned by taxpaying citizens of this country. Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

We’ve allowed ourselves to be ruled where government has no right to rule. We’ve exchanged our dignity so that government can provide us a life free of work. We’ve convinced ourselves that poor and dependent is somehow better than poor and ambitious. Where government sees dependence on something other than itself, it projects a stigma of weakness. Religion is a perfect example. Where babies were once viewed as a blessing, they are now seen as a choice.

The encouraging news is that I’m seeing a groundswell. I’m hearing the footsteps of all those people who foolishly fled to the scale littered with empty promises of “hope and change” in 2008. They’re all stampeding back to this side. Weight is being added back to our side of that social scale. The very emotions and greed that led so many over to the self-serving ideological side in 2008 is the very force propelling their return now. Shame has replaced greed. People are embarrassed that they allowed hype to control them the way it did. Many were lured by the glamorous appeal of the fairy tale itself but have since realized that fairy tales are not what made America great. America is at it’s greatest when applying the lessons learned in times of suffering. America is greatest when rising from the smoldering ashes of our own mistakes. No one can say that the last three and a half years have not been suffered through or that they were not littered with mistakes. Hillary Clinton’s Founding-Father-Figure aside, we have all made glaring mistakes in the past but none have been so egregious as those acts carried out by the ones elected to lead us. The damage done by their perpetuating dependency will take years to undo.

We find ourselves fleeing once more, but this time the destination is certain. Our destination is the pride once felt in simply being an American. Our destination is a version of freedom unidentifiable to His Barackness and his quivering little Press Secretaries. Our destination is a life where quality of work is far more important than size of paycheck; where freedom from debt via legal measures is more honorable than street cred. Our destination is a life where the size of your paycheck is earned by experience as is its expansion. Yes, the destination is certain…..the uncertainty seems to spring from what it is that we’re supposed to be fleeing.

Is it just Obama or is is the suffocating system if entitlement weakening our country by the day? I say both! If they have been successful in bullying us outside the polling stations, why can’t we protest loudly outside the welfare offices. They call us racist for wanting immigration reform, yet refuse to close loopholes giving billions of dollars to illegal immigrants. They’re blatantly choosing votes over future of country. These people must be replaced with common sense. These people simply must be replaced.

I beg of you…..don’t flee. Don’t flee this fight. Stay and welcome back all those lost souls who are now joining us to help load Obama’s belongings into a Chevy Volt in November and send him out of Washington for good.

As always, thanks for playing!


J Robert Giles

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Who’s Your Daddy…..

By: J Robert Giles


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“We never know the love of the parent until we become parents ourselves.”   - Henry Ward Beecher

The Obama presidency has been a cycle, to say the least. We’re standing at the edge of a decision in November. The decision is not simply a matter of candidate choice; it has nothing to do with party affiliation, or political ideology. The decision has to do with whether or not you see the Obama administration as the pregnancy or the death of America.

That may sound strange, but think about it…..was the Obama Presidency the pregnancy or the death of America. Are we about to witness a birth or a funeral? Since Mother’s America's FuneralBaby America Day is right around the corner, I’ll start with the possibility of Obama’s Presidency representing the pregnancy of America. First of all , any mother will tell you that a first pregnancy is scary, at best. Think about Obama’s Presidency in terms of a cliché teen movie. Young, naïve America gets swept off her feet by the roofie-esque charm of His Barackness, the cool new kid in town. Next thing you know, America’s pregnant, scared out of her mind, and receiving nothing but empty promises and debt from the biggest mistake of her life. Still…..America has never seen herself as weak. In fact, she’s often found the most strength in the moments when others believed she possessed none. As she starts to feel as if she’s being backed into a corner by the self-serving arrogance of His Barackness, she starts to fight back mentally. She’s never backed down from a challenge and motherhood would be the biggest challenge of them all. Slowly but surely America, with the help of some loyal friends, gets up the courage to leave His Barackness and all of his dangerous ideology. There’s a classic standoff between Obama and America’s long lost uncle, the tough as nails old coot known to the locals as Constitution. Just when it seems like Constitution is losing momentum, he receives aide from America’s first love, Chris T. Anity, who shows up at the last minute to kick Barry right in his Obamacles. With a gleam in her eye, America stands up, packs his bags for him, and politely asks Barack Hussein Obama to leave her and the baby alone. In his absence, America is able to give birth to the vision we all see in an Obama-free country.

We had to go through the pain of Obama’s presidency in order to deliver his absence. Mitt Romney may be the doctor who delivers the baby, but WE ARE ALL the parents. This baby will truly be the “rebirth” of a nation. The pain we endured during his administration will be worth it when we hear the innocence of capitalism giggling in its crib. It will be worth it when we see recovery take its first, clumsy steps. Obama represents the mistakes of youth. He represents the regrets we all have in our lives. For many of us, our children did not come into our lives at the most “convenient” of times, but you’d be hard pressed to find one who doesn’t view that arrival as the single greatest moment in their lives. As much as I hate to admit it as a father, this emotion is especially true in the hearts and minds of mothers. There’s a connection between mother and child that just can’t be duplicated. There’s a switch that gets thrown in the mind of a mother during pregnancy. While that life is literally growing inside of her, a mother learns to abandon regret and selfishness. She learns to use the lessons taught by regrettable actions, and turn them into strength she will need to guide her baby’s course. It’s time to admit to the mistakes we have made as a country. It’s time to admit them, regret them, and put them behind us. There’s work to do. It’s time to get out there and earn the respect of our “child.”

Now the alternative. What if we should all start dusting off our funeral clothes?

If Obama should mastermind a second term as President of the United States, it will most certainly be a funeral we are all attending in November. A second Obama term would surely mean the death of such dear old friends as The United States Constitution, Christianity in America, conservatism, borders, democracy, and history. We will all listen, beyond the guilt of our own whimpers, to the eulogies of such notions as “under God” and “right to bear arms.” Our freedom of speech will be silenced forever. Our global strength will be crippled. We will weep for the history he will erase and for the tradition he will ignore. In time, the America that so many have died to defend, will draw its last breath and we will all witness her eulogy in the form of another Obama inauguration.

I’m looking forward to witnessing the birth of a glorious new nation in November. I’m looking forward to watching infant America take her first steps. I’m looking forward to seeing the very best characteristics her mother has to offer as they begin to form in the personality of the precocious child. I’m looking forward to identifying characteristics of her father and working tirelessly to rid her of them. I’m looking forward hearing this child tell her friends…..”I never knew my father. It’s the darndest thing. I have like 311,591,917 parents and another 11,000,000 or so illegal undocumented nannies, and not one of them is my biological father. I heard his past was a little sketchy too, so I think I’m probably better off. My uncle said he was a real idiot.”

Time to dust off the sympathy bellies, and stock up on pickles folks! We got a baby on the way!

As always, thanks for playing.

J Robert Giles

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oz Never Ate Toto…..

By: J Robert Giles


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Distraction - [dih-strak-shuhn] noun  1-The act of distracting.  2- The state of being distracted. –That which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration.  - That which entertains, or diverts; amusement, entertainment.




His Barackness loves to use the word “distraction.” He blames anything that might make him look less than brilliant on his arch enemy; his battle tested foe…..conservative tactics of distraction. In keeping with what has become an absurdly standard policy of this administration, even that is a lie! Conservatives are not the ones deploying more distractions than answers. Conservatives are not the ones covering up lies with more lies. Even more frustrating is the fact that those on the left seem so willing to accept the lies. They accept the lies and charm of Obama as truth and they do themselves and this country a great disservice in doing so. In the next 188 days, you can expect to see a plethora of distractions but I can assure you that very few of them will be coming from the right side of the political aisle.

If you’re still reading this article, I assume you are capable of enough thought and reason to know that Obama just might be the antichrist. I don’t use that term lightly. I honestly believe His Barackness may have been created out of spare parts found in the dumpster behind Beelzebub’s Workshop. Every word that comes out of the man’s mouth is simply dripping with deceit. We know that the idea of “conservative distraction” is axiomatically false, but most of us render that judgment based solely on the fact that the words passed Obama’s lips. While that is generally an excellent measuring stick, this case deserves a little more investigation. It’s not just the dishonesty that frustrates me. It’s the charismatic nature by which this mind-numbing foolishness is delivered. It’s the preposterous levels of devious planning that has gone into some of the left’s best defenses. It’s the sheer magnitude of people willing to accept liberal ideology rather than think for themselves. That is not to say that all liberals are uneducated fools. I’m pretty sure we share an equal number of idiots when it comes to the dregs of ideology. For every one of Jesse Jackson’s love-children out there demanding free stuff because of their pigmentation, there’s a Westboro Baptist Church lunatic claiming something equally maniacal. Again, not all liberals are stupid. There are many brilliant people out there to whom liberalism is appealing because it requires little to no research. Liberalism is presented in a nice, shiny package that answers the most basic political questions in a vague, carefully crafted manner that is sure to appeal to the widest possible audience. Conservatism however, requires more thought. It requires the reader to look beyond the fairy tale and accept some discomfort. Here’s a few examples.

Osama bin Laden – Ding-dong, that b!+ch is dead! For that, as I have said many times, Obama is to be commended. It’s unfortunate that he couldn’t find enough grace and humility to simply accept our gratitude and move on. Instead, he took the approach that should come as more expectation than surprise at this point. His Barackness went to work before bin Laden’s body even hit the floor to make sure that the world knew he had been in charge. He reminds me of the wide receiver who catches a first down in the fourth quarter of a game he’s losing by four touchdowns and then celebrates for six solid minutes. “Mr. President…..the economy’s in the tank, gas prices suck, companies are closing their doors at an alarming rate…..do you have a plan?” (That’s kind of a generalization of every question that’s been asked of our campaigning commander over the last few months by anyone not blinded by the Light of Barack.) “Well, you know…..I’m not going to dignify your distracting line of questioning with a response. The American people know that I killed bin Laden.” And so it will go from now until November 6th. There will be new and creative ways to keep bin Laden’s name on the tips of every uneducated tongue in the voting public. Obama will have them believing that he himself was part of the mission. By the time we hit the voting stations in November, Obama will have us believe that he pulled the trigger while fighting a shark and Chuck Norris at the same time. There will be no mention of the fact that bin Laden was located and killed using intel gathered during Bush’s presidency. No mention will be made of the fact that the intel was gathered using methods that Obama has denounced. See…..those pesky facts tend to scuff and dent the shiny box of liberalism.

Occupy Wall Street – These morons are promising to make a comeback. I sincerely hope that they do. The very fact that they feel relevant just goes to prove my point. This disorganized group of crybabies promises to be back on the streets, screaming their cause……which is still a vague, general demand wherein the wealth and fruits of another man’s labor are to be handed over to the crowds of participation trophy toting, Apple Store clogging, excrement smearing protesters. They’re a distraction. They’re loud and they’re entertaining but they are a distraction nonetheless. I’m sure all of us, at one point or another,  have thought to ourselves…..”Self, this day would improve dramatically if I could just poop on one cop-car or American Flag” but only these brave souls in the Occupy movement (no pun intended) have summoned such courage.  Obama will do everything he can to associate himself with the premise behind this crowd. Like two tornados colliding to devastate anything in it’s collective path, these camps will form an alliance that is sure to make this one of the most maddening summers in history. Of course, while our focus is locked onto the sheer size of the crowds, no mention will be made of the fact that Obama has received more money from the enemies of the Occupy movement than any of the Presidents this group claims to hate so much. No mention will be made of the fact that record amounts of capital are being stored in anticipation of Obama’s defeat. No mention will be made of the fact that Obama has single-handedly delivered more doubt, angst, and hesitation to a once enviable economy than any tragedy, crisis, or attack every could. Again…..why put those facts out there when “corporate greed is behind every unanswered prayer America has ever prayed” fits so much more nicely into that shiny, liberal box.

War On Women – First of all, this idea that conservatives hate women is ludicrous. We just hate liberal women! We hate liberal women who lie and manipulate facts just as much as we hate Presidents who lie and manipulate the facts. Once again, when the strong winds of truth knock down the thin facade of liberal ideology, it’s easy to see the hypocrisy. I doubt very seriously that you will hear Obama mention the fact that HIS White House pays the female staff members 18% less than the male staff members. I doubt you will hear him make many speeches in which the fact that women have suffered far more under Obama’s horrific economic policies than men have suffered. Hope-and-Change-onomics have been especially tough on women but why bring that truth to light when it is so ugly? Why not bask in the utopian glow of Obama’s created reality instead? Maintain the luster of that shiny, liberal box.

Racism – Race wars ignite Obama’s base. Despite the tenuous nature of the case against George Zimmerman, the left has done nothing to promote the notion of innocent until proven guilty. Instead, we have been subjected to “production errors” which just so happen to cut out key sections of Zimmerman’s 9-1-1 Call and leave us, the dumber-than-a-box-of-hair public, with seeds of racism sprouting in our minds. Instead of the truth, we are presented with manipulative photos to make a 17 year old, trespassing thug look like an angelic child while Zimmerman’s photo makes him look like he just got released from the drunk tank at County Lockup. Instead of quietly allowing the American legal system to perform it’s most basic of functions, we are presented with marches and protests. Apparently all you have to do now is yell the loudest and cops will do whatever you want. You can even get the chief fired if you don’t feel the color of his skin matches the victim closely enough. That’s the reality of the shambles in which the left has left our legal system and our Constitution. Obama will do everything he can to remind us that if he “had a son, he would probably look just like Trayvon Martin.” A clever maneuver aimed at keeping his blindly loyal, racially segregated base fired up and vocal. Well guess what y’all…..if George Zimmerman is white then so is Obama! How about that for some logic? Where’s Obama’s addressing of the fact that under his rule, blacks have enjoyed a 6% higher unemployment rate than the national average? No, no…..falsified numbers and “adjusted” statistics add much more shine to the liberal box than does the truth.

Energy – The left claims victory in the dreams that Obama has laid out before us. Unfortunately, victories are not earned in the planning stages. If that were the case, then the NFL would be handing out about 32 Lombardi Trophies each September. Good job on getting through pre-season guys, here’s your parade. You will hear repeated claims that drilling for oil is way up under Obama and that production is at praise-worthy levels. Technically, part of that statement are actually true but as is so often the case, a few decisive details have been intentionally omitted. For example, yes drilling is up but it’s only because people have found ways to drill around the Obama administration’s restrictions and steadfast refusal to grant new drilling permits. By drilling on private land, oil has begun to flow. Oil that is free from the restrictions of Obama and his beetle loving brethren.  That oil could be flowing through the job producing pipes of Keystone XL but that endeavor was closed down. Oil will continue to be transported via Warren Buffett’s trains. No questions. The left will continue to paint oil and the companies that produce it as evil but no mention will be made of the fact that these same companies have done more for the advancement of green energy technologies than all of Obama’s ill-advised policies combined. No mention will be made of the billions of our dollars wasted on ideological pursuits like Solyndra, A123 Systems, and Ener1. No attention will be given to the shameful combustibility of the blackmail conceived Chevy Volt. The Italian ownership of Chrysler is probably going to be kept from Obama’s speeches as well.

Obama and his minions are going to do everything in their power to make sure you hate Mitt Romney. That’s the nature of a campaign, but when opinions are formed upon a foundation of dishonesty…..well, let’s just say that nothing is more fun than watching those foundations crumble. Get loud people! There’s a reason this buffoon has held more fundraising events than Presidents Nixon through George W. Bush combined, That reason is that he believes money will cover up the stench of his record. It’s like wrapping a turd in a scented fabric softener sheet. It’s still a turd, it just smells slightly less offensive. It in no way improves the effectiveness of the dryer sheet for heaven’s sake! Get loud! Stay loud! Get this fool out of office and then get his foolish Congressional loyalists out of their offices too. It’s time to take that shiny little box of theirs and melt it down so that it can manufactured into something more useful. Playtime is over!

As always, thanks for playing!


J Robert Giles


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